Whether custom- or premade, the draperies in our homes represent an investment, which, like many of our possessions, must be maintained to extend their service life. Even if intended for decorative purposes only, your fabric window coverings especially take a lot of abuse. These furnishings are exposed to sunlight daily. If placed facing the south and east, these fabrics are likely to fade more quickly than draperies facing the north and west. Over time dust, and if your home has pets, the fibers will attract both dander and fur. Trapping and retaining household odors is another issue. Yet for some households, draperies are a one-and-done expense whose owners do not realize these must be routinely dry cleaned. Once that understanding has been reached, the question is, how do professionals clean draperies? What logistics are involved? Must these curtains be removed and taken to the cleaners, or is it possible to have them serviced in place? Another question for some may be, where to locate the best drapery cleaning in NYC? Happily, for generations of New Yorkers the answer has always been, Winzer Cleaners.
To begin, it is not necessary in every instance to have your window coverings removed and either picked up by our drivers, or these may be brought to our premises. Most of our clients prefer to have our professionals perform their magic on-site. Not only is this convenient, but also enables us to perform other in-home specialized services as well, such as rug and upholstery cleaning. However, to address the title question, the professionals at Winzer Cleaners offer several drapery cleaning in NYC options. By the way, we service all fabric window coverings – valances, curtains, fabric shades – not just drapes. Winzer also provides several dry cleaning processes including:
Steam Cleaning
While we advocate a year of removal of your draperies to have them thoroughly cleaned by our professionals at our facility, interim steam cleaning with the draperies in place is an effective way to keep your fabric window coverings looking fresh and wrinkle-free between seasons. As stated, this step can easily be implemented when Winzer Cleaners’ professionals also perform rug and upholstery services at your residence.
Dry Cleaning
Winzers’ dry cleaning processes are not like those at traditional dry cleaning establishments. We take extra steps to ensure that your woven fabrics are not stretched, nor any embellishments disturbed. Our solvent is specially formulated to give your draperies a thorough cleaning, with no shrinkage or damage to the fabrics. The result is crisp-looking, and fresh-smelling draperies that will immediately make an entire room look newer and more appealing.
Home treatments such as machine washing lighter fabrics are not advisable as these can snag, tear, or the colors may run. Drying in a conventional dryer will likely cause shrinkage and subsequent pressing on a small ironing board may result in damage to the fabric as well. The clear solution is to contact Winzer Cleaners for your drapery cleaning. In NYC, as well as the surrounding boroughs, we offer a pickup and dropoff service if you’d prefer that option to have our experts clean your draperies in place. For clean draperies and a fresher-appearing home, contact the professionals at Winzer Cleaners to discuss your options, today!